JASSO Malaysia Office Update Announcement
Visitors are reminded that physical consultations require appointments booked at least one day in advance. Please contact us ahead of time to avoid any disappointments.
Physical consultation is currently available based on SOP stated below:
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding!
Release of EJU Guidebook (English) by JASSO
31/08/2024Release of EJU Guidebook (English) by JASSO So, you are curious about Study in Japan and have been searching up information online. During your search, you may have come across the word ‘EJU’, ‘EJU’, ‘EJU’… but what exactly is EJU? To make it quick and simple for students to learn…
2024年度日本留学フェアinマレーシア (JASSO Study in Japan Education Fair 2025)
09/08/20242024年度日本留学フェアinマレーシア JASSO Study in Japan Education Fair 2025 ※募集は8月20日に開始いたします。 *Note: The target audience of this post are Japanese higher education institutions, Japanese language schools, and other Japanese organizations that are related to Japan or Study in Japan. 実施概要 1.趣旨 マレーシアの学生等が日本留学を志し、かつ、留学希望に合った学校を選択し、実りある留学を達成できるようにするため、日本の大学(大学院を含む)、専修学校(専門課程)及び日本語教育機関等の参加を得て、日本の高等教育に関する情報及び個々の教育機関の教育、研究上の特色等に関する最新で的確な情報を提供し、日本への留学の促進を図る。 2.開催都市・ 日時・会場 クアラルンプール市 2025年1月18日(土)、19日(日)10時から16時まで Amari Kuala Lumpur,…
26/07/2024OFFICE CLOSURE NOTICE Please be informed that JASSO Japan Educational Information Center (JASSO Malaysia Office) will be temporary closed on August 1st, 2024 (Thursday). Operations will resume on the next day, August 2nd, 2024 (Friday). Visitors are reminded that physical consultations require booking at least one day in advance. Please…
About JASSO Japan Educational Information Centre
JASSO Japan Educational Information Centre or better known as JASSO Malaysia Office is the representative office of the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). Established in April 1995, the Centre provides Malaysians who wish to pursure an education in Japan with the latest, most appropriate information on tertiary and Japanese language institutes. JASSO overseas offices are also located in Bangkok (Thailand), Jakarta (Indonesia), Seoul (South Korea) and Hanoi (Vietnam).