【Name of Institution】Ritsumeikan University 立命館大学
【Type】Private University 私立大学
【Location】Kyoto 京都府
- Ritsumeikan University (RU) has 5 English-medium Undergraduate Programs
– College of Global Liberal Arts, Dual degree program with The Australian National University (GLA)
– College of International Relations, American University – Ritsumeikan University Joint Degree Program (JDP)
– College of International Relations, Global Studies Major (GS)
– College of Policy Science, Community & Regional Policy Studies Major (CRPS)
– College of Information Science & Engineering, Information Systems Science & Engineering Course (ISSE)
◆Information of Japanese-medium Undergraduate Programs: https://en.ritsumei.ac.jp/admissions/
<Scholarships for English-medium Undergraduate Programs>
- Scholarships available BEFORE Enrollment at RU
International students (students who will hold the status of residence of “student” while studying at RU) will receive a fee reduction through the RU Tuition Reduction Scheme. International students are offered at least a 20% tuition reduction, with 50% and 100% fee reductions offered to the most outstanding applicants.
The amount of reduction will be notified to the applicants with admission results.
The RU Tuition Reduction Scheme is offered initially for one year, based on students’ admission evaluation. In second and subsequent years, the tuition reduction is awarded based on students’ grades during the previous year of study. - Scholarships available AFTER Enrollment at RU:
– JASSO scholarship: 48,000 yen/month
– International Students Assistance Scholarship by RU Faculty/Staff: 250,000yen/year
◆For more information: https://en.ritsumei.ac.jp/e-ug/financial_info/scholarships.html/
- Post-Graduate Programs
– Masters/Doctoral programs in English in Science and Engineering, Information Science and Engineering, Life Sciences, Economics, Policy Science, and International Relations
– 100% Tuition Reduction for top applicants (announced along with admission results), 20% Tuition Reduction for all other applicants (applied for after enrolment)
– Academic Excellence award of 100,000-500,000JPY/year, subtracted from tuition, for the top approximately 40% of applicants (Master’s Program only. Stackable with 20% Tuition Reduction. Announced with admission results; applied for separately in year two)
– Prize Fellowship for Doctoral Students: 100% or 50% tuition waiver for top 20% of doctoral students (Applied for after enrolment. Stackable with 20% Tuition Reduction”)
– Grants worth 5,000-200,000JPY for field research, attending and presenting at conferences, proofreading and submission expenses for publishing in journals, student research society-led activities and more
– Online application/ No minimum English language test score except for at Policy Science (TOEFL iBT® 79+ / TOEFL ITP® 550+/ IELTS 6.0+) and Economics (at least TOEFL iBT® 68+/ IELTS 5.5+/ TOEIC® L&R 650+)/ 5,000JPY application fee
– Over 1,000 international grad students from around the world!
◆For more information:
- International Admissions Website for English-medium Undergraduate Programs:
【Introduction Video】
- Students’ Voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBjFQ7ZIwnM
- International Students’ Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp0zTf9ky8U
- That’s Why GLA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZUxcn57pqY